Mindset makeover: stop letting fear steal your future

Fear keeps us "safe"—but at what cost? It’s time to take your next brave step.

A Note From Colleen

Hi, friend.

There is zero doubt that, as a woman over 50, you have loads of skills and expertise you could turn into a digital product that teaches others how to do the thing - make a real impact.

Seriously. There is 0% chance you don’t.

But, we get in our own way. We doubt ourselves. We compare. We imposter. We let anonymous trolls dictate our lives.

Let’s stop that. I want to cover some mindset topics in today’s Gumption Gazette. 

And, I’d love to hear your thoughts. As always, you can just HIT REPLY to this email and share your thoughts. 

Thanks for being here.


Colleen Kochannek, Publisher

*This publication may include affiliate links and links to products I sell. If you click and buy, I may earn revenue and/or commission


It’s sneaky, isn’t it? That little voice in your head that whispers, “What if you fail?” or “You’re not good enough” or “Who do you think you are?”  Mindset is one of the most powerful forces that can either move you forward or keep you stuck. And for many of us, especially as we move into new phases of life, mindset becomes an even bigger hurdle.

We’ve all felt it - that subtle (or not so subtle) fear that makes us believe we’re not cut out for something. But the truth is, it’s not our actual abilities holding us back; it’s our fear of what might happen

Fear of failure. 

Fear of rejection. 

Fear that we’re just not good enough.

So, how can you move past the fear and toward what we really want - with confidence. 

Fear of Failure: The Ultimate Dream Killer

The fear of failure is one of the biggest roadblocks. Of course, nobody wants to fail, but when it keeps you from even trying, it becomes a problem. 

Failure gets a bad rap, though. The reality is everyone fails at some point. Everyone. The difference between those who succeed and those who don’t? Successful people fail and keep going. They try again. They simply use failure as a learning experience. 

How to Overcome It:

  • Start Small, Fail Small: Instead of going all-in and fearing a major crash, dip your toes in the water before jumping all the way in. This is precisely why I always suggest my students start by creating a simple, digital product - an educational eBook or resource. It takes little time to create, so there’s minimal risk or time lost. 

  • Reframe Failure: Shift your thinking from “What if I fail?” to “What can I learn if I fail?” This doesn’t happen overnight, but the more you reframe, the more you’ll start to see failures as valuable experience. 

Fear of Rejection: Will They Say No?

We all want to be liked, and the fear of rejection can be paralyzing. It makes us hesitate to put ourselves out there, whether it’s pitching a product, marketing ourselves, or even just sharing our knowledge. Rejection stings, but it’s unavoidable. You can’t please everyone, and guess what? You don’t have to.

How to Overcome It:

  • Expect Rejection: I always tell my students, “Let me put your mind at ease. You will experience rejection. You will experience trolls.” It sounds counterintuitive, but if you go into a situation expecting rejection, it doesn’t feel so personal when it happens. Not everyone will resonate with your product or service, and that’s okay.

  • Focus on the Yeses: For every rejection, there’s someone out there who needs what you’re offering. Keep your eyes on those people. They’re the ones who will drive your success and build your confidence.

Fear We’re Not Good Enough: The Imposter Syndrome Trap

Imposter syndrome is that nagging feeling that you don’t deserve your success, or that you’re not really qualified to be where you are. It’s common, especially when doing something new - like starting a digital business. 

We look around and think, “They’re so much better at this,” or “I don’t really belong here.” But here’s the thing: you absolutely do. You’re not alone in feeling this way. If anything, the fact that you’re even trying shows your courage.

How to Overcome It:

  • Write Down Your Wins: Keep a running list of your accomplishments, no matter how small. Did you get positive feedback from a customer? Did you figure out how to set up your digital storefront? These are wins. When imposter syndrome creeps in, go back to your list as a reminder of how capable you are.

  • Ditch ALL comparisonitis: Don’t look at what others are doing. It invites self-negative talk. Stay in your lane and keep focused.

  • Own Your Expertise: You’ve got decades of know-how under your belt, whether in nursing, teaching, administration, or hobbies like event planning, crafting, or cooking. You do have something valuable to offer, and it’s time to recognize that.

How Mindset Keeps Us From Moving Forward - And How to Break Through

Fear is the thief of action. It convinces us to stay where we are because it’s “safe”.  But staying safe comes with a cost: it keeps us from growing, evolving, and creating something meaningful.

So, how do we move forward?

1. Take One Step at a Time

You don’t need to have it all figured out. Just take the next step. If it’s creating a digital product, maybe that’s simply writing the first page of your guide, setting up your Facebook page, or learning how to record your first TikTok video. Every small step you take builds confidence, and before you know it, you’re miles ahead of where you started.

2. Don’t Wait for Perfection

Here’s the truth: perfection doesn’t exist. If you’re waiting to feel 100% ready before you start, you’ll be waiting forever. Embrace the imperfection. Launch with what you have, and learn as you go. Your mindset will shift the moment you realize that things don’t have to be perfect to be impactful.

3. Surround Yourself with Support

Find your people. Having a support system keeps you grounded. When you feel the fear creeping in, lean on them for encouragement and a reminder that you’ve got what it takes.

Final Thoughts

Mindset is one of the biggest challenges standing between you and your dreams. But here’s the good news: you have the power to change it. Fear is just a feeling, and feelings pass. Fear will not kill you, just make you a bit uncomfortable - temporarily.

Remember, everything you’ve done up until now has prepared you for this next step. You are good enough, you do have what it takes, and it’s time to silence negative voices.


I’ve been exploring the idea of ‘taking my turn’ over on TikTok. It’s a hot conversation. The more I talk about it, the more women come into my comments to say, “Yes. I’m taking my turn.”

What does it even mean, “to take your turn”. To me, it means to do what you want, how you want it and when you want. 

Most of us have spent our entire lives considering other people first. I think it’s conditioned into us women. Take care of others, first.

At some point, however, it is our turn.

The thing is, though, nobody will give you a turn. You have to take it.

I believe this is what our 3rd Act is about - taking our turn.

What does taking your turn mean to you?


I’m not necessarily a big ‘handbag’ kind of gal. I’m not using a different handbag everyday, but I do like to switch my purse up for the winter. 

This seasonal switch up is a good time to clean out the trash and wrappers and old receipts and Post-It notes and grocery lists and pens that don’t work anymore.

It’s not a big thing, but it does make life a bit easier (until, of course, it’s time to switch up the purse for Spring).

For your radar:  I am putting together a FREE MasterChat. The name is TBD, but I want to do a session where I teach you how to identify your money-making skills and envision just what kind of digital product you could create and sell.

One of the things I hear most often is, “What could I do as a digital product? I don’t have any valuable skills” (lies, complete lies 🙂).

I’m on a mission to show every woman she DOES have valuable skills, hiding right under her nose, that she can leverage as a money-making digital product. 


If you’re looking for support, inspiration; or, want a quick reference for how the whole ‘digital business’ works I have two items for you to check out:

Questions and suggestions for admin. Simply Hit REPLY to this email or email us at: [email protected]


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