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  • Last Chance: Enroll in Pilot to Profit. Join now to kickstart your digital business with full support

Last Chance: Enroll in Pilot to Profit. Join now to kickstart your digital business with full support

🚀 Plus, get a sneak peek at the 11 steps to success

A Note From Colleen

Hi, Friends.

Today’s the FINAL day to enroll in Pilot to Profit. I encourage you to check it out if you want to start a simple digital business with FULL support. 

Last week, I hosted a workshop where I laid out the 11 Steps To Starting A Digital Business (they happen to mirror the modules inside the Pilot to Profit Program).

Below I’ve given you a preview of them.

Thanks for being here.

Cheers, Colleen

Colleen Kochannek, Publisher

PS: Already had our first cool morning. Fall is a comin’. 

*This publication may include affiliate links and links to products I sell. If you click and buy, I may earn revenue and/or commission


1️⃣ Watch the Pilot to Profit Insider’s Tour. Take a peek inside the course area and explore everything included in the program

2️⃣ Get Full Pilot to Profit Startup School program details and ENROLL HERE.🏫 (Enrollment ends tonight - Sunday, August 25)


STEP 1: Understanding Digital Business Basics

Understanding the basic premise that a digital business is a funnel that is flexible and (fairly easily) adjustable should give you confidence to choose a business idea. So many get stuck thinking once they choose an idea - that’s it forever. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

STEP 2: Find YOUR idea - Monetize Your Know-How

Your expertise is probably hiding in plain sight, right under your nose. The thing you turn into a digital product does not have to be some fancy-pantsy skill. It can be an everyday know-how or process that you’ve mastered… and others need (and will pay for).

STEP 3: Map Your First Product

Your first product won’t be your last or your best, but it’s your start. When choosing a product idea think about the ONE promise the product will deliver.

STEP 4: Draft Your Sales Page

Coming up with the words to describe your product and share what a potential customer will get by buying your product is a great way to ‘round out’ the content that needs to be included in your product (no more or no less). It will help you keep your product ‘in bounds’ with the ONE promise you’re promising.

STEP 5: Create Your Digital Product

Keep your first product simple. This isn’t your empire builder. It’s the tangible asset that will get you in the market and engaging with customers… so you can learn from them. Yes, they’ll buy your first product, but the real value is what you learn from customers.

STEP 6: Your First Marketing/Promotional Plan (Marketing Without Cringe)

Marketing is the biggest blocker! It doesn’t have to be. Think of marketing your product as telling your product’s story: how it came to be, why this product, why you; and, what the product will do. I think of marketing plans like creating a magazine for your product - choose the regular magazine sections (content pillars) and go from there. I teach The Magazine Marketing Method inside Pilot to Profit. 

STEP 7: Master Facebook: Your Ultimate Marketing Platform

I suggest you start marketing your first product on Facebook because it’s likely where you have been a consumer for the longest. There’s no reason to add a learning curve (aka introducing another social platform) to the mix in the beginning - unless you’ve primarily used another social platform like Instagram or LinkedIn or TikTol.

STEP 8: Build Your Digital Storefront: Stan Store

Building your digital storefront is where the rubber meets the road. This is where you’ll direct customers to learn about your product and… buy! I love Stan.Store as an app, especially if you’re not a techno whiz. You can set Stan up in an afternoon, no website needed.

STEP 9: Create Your First Funnel In Stan.Store

This is where you’ll create your customer’s journey from clicking ‘the link’ you provide that takes them to your product’s sales page and guides them to purchase your product. Fortunately, in Stan, funnel building is a breeze.

STEP 10: Launch Your Product With Your Marketing Plan

Of course, the (almost) last step is bringing your product to the market and promoting it. I always keep this process as  simple as possible. Marketing is the activity you’ll do most in your business. It’s important to get comfortable with it. Of course, I’ll refer you back to my Magazine Method :) (which I teach in depth inside Pilot to Profit). 

STEP 11: What Now?

This step comes once your product is in the world and you’ve had a bit of time to get comfortable marketing and selling your product. You’ll begin to get feedback from customers and potential customers, which will guide your next decisions (new products, product improvements). This is also the time at which you begin to look at automating processes, adding more social media and marketing platforms to grow your business.

These 11 steps come from nearly 8 years of experience in the digital business space and launching various models. 

The two things I have learned the most?

  1. Start simple to eliminate the risk and maximize your chance at success

  2. Don’t reinvent the wheel. Get support so you can move more quickly and confidently.

I’m always looking for sneaky ways to get myself moving because, let’s be honest, I’m not a big fan of working out. Living on the 4th floor of a building with super steep staircases (high ceilings are a blessing and a curse), I’ve come up with a little game. Whenever I call the elevator and it doesn’t show up right away, I take the stairs instead. (I know, button-pushing can be annoying, but hey, it’s all in the name of fitness)

I’m not one to jump out of bed for a workout, so I try to fit it in whenever I can. On top of that, I pay for a trainer once a week because I know that if I’ve invested in it, I’ll actually show up.

And let me tell you, the joy when the elevator does show up? It’s like winning the lottery—no stairs today

How do you trick yourself into doing things you’re not thrilled about?

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