The 3rd Act Revolution: Are You Ready To Take Your Turn?

What if we put ourselves first, boldly, and finally embraced what we truly want in our 3rd Act?

A Note From Colleen

Hi, friend.

I’ve been running a series of videos on TikTok (you might want to check TikTok out if you’re not on there yet). I love the conversations taking place there and, boy, am I learning a lot.

My series started as a single video where I talked about “The one thing I really want to say is, It’s My Turn” .

I was referring to the fact that I’ve made the decision to make my 3rd Act a selfish one. It’s all about me: What I want to do, how I want to do it and when I want to do it.

It struck a chord. Lots of ladies are in the same place - ready to go bold in this 3rd Act (whatever bold means for them). Ladies who are ready to take their turn and put themselves first. 

Are you with me? 

Thanks for being here.


Colleen Kochannek, Publisher

*This publication may include affiliate links and links to products I sell. If you click and buy, I may earn revenue and/or commission


It took me losing most everybody and everything over the past 7 years to realize I had never truly been first. Other people have always been more important. When I found myself completely alone, with nobody to consider or answer to, I realized I had no idea what I wanted because I had never fully put myself or my wants first.

It’s been a tough realization, but one I am embracing. My only job now is to figure out what I do want. 

The thing is, the more women I speak with, I am learning they feel exactly the same way. Family, jobs, house, community have always been more important.

But, when we reach our 3rd Act it’s finally our turn. 

We’re coming into this season with fewer responsibilities and lots of lessons from the school of hard knocks. 

That’s what my 3rd Act is going to be: Figuring out what I want. I don’t believe we ever arrive at a destination. It’s about the journey.

Are you with me? Ready to take your turn in this 3rd Act?

In one of my TikTok videos I talked about how, when I was little, I would make fun of ‘crazy old ladies‘ (awful I know). Now, my plan is to become one of them.

I realize now what I was witnessing were women who had put everybody else first - for decades and decades - and when they finally decided to Take Their Turn - they went all in.

They started doing all the things they had put on the back burner or never even allowed themselves to try.

We see ladies wearing purple hats, dressing boldly, wearing red glasses (chuckle), traveling, skydiving, taking up new hobbies, going back to school, taking up tennis, you name it....

What does your 3rd Act look like?

Like I said, I have no idea what I want, but I sure plan on having a good time figuring it out.

Building a movement around a 3rd Act Revolution is definitely on my business and personal radar. Stay tuned for more. I am working on some ideas.


I am learning how to dream again. I’ve realized so much of our lives are predetermined based on family, community and conditioning. It’s easy to get out of the habit of dreaming.

One thing I am doing, to get my dreaming back on track, is learning to be open to new possibilities.

I give myself permission to consider things I wouldn’t have given the time of day to previously; or, to consider things I was never exposed to.

For example, I am fascinated by the interesting solutions women are finding to cut housing costs; or, simply pay for their international travel.

A woman I follow on TikTok is an International Pet Sitter. She moves from pet sit to pet sit, all over the world, and never has to pay rent or a mortgage - and she gets to explore a new place and hang out with dogs.

Who knew this even existed? 

Would I Pet Sit? Maybe. But, I definitely have it on my radar when it wasn’t there before.

How are you dreaming for your 3rd Act? Is there something you’d consider that you couldn’t have imagined considering ‘back in the day’?



My favorite ‘dream tool’ is a plain, unlined notebook. My favorite is HERE. I love the size, especially. It’s slightly smaller than a standard notebook, but not too small either.

The plain paper (is thick and nice), but there’s something about a blank, unlined page that helps me get creative. 

I probably have 30 of these, already filled. I can tell by the cover, and which doodles I’ve made, what’s inside.

I never throw them out when they’re full. I’ve gone back through old versions many times and found great gems of ideas.

This is my latest one (pardon my French). I always start by ‘designing the cover’ - sometimes it’s just a saying, sometimes it gets a sticker.

This brand new one is filling up quickly with all sorts of ideas and plans.

I highly recommend you get yourself a dream notebook, too, and let your ideas and dreams rip!

For your radar:  I am putting together a FREE MasterChat. The name is TBD, but I want to do a session where I teach you how to identify your money-making skills and envision just what kind of digital product you could create and sell.

One of the things I hear most often is, “What could I do as a digital product? I don’t have any valuable skills” (lies, complete lies 🙂).

I’m on a mission to show every woman she DOES have valuable skills, hiding right under her nose, that she can leverage as a money-making digital product. 


If you’re interested in checking out TikTok (or have questions about it), it has quickly become a favorite platform. You can find me HERE.

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